
    energy notes 14


    /groups/energy/search/index.rss?tag=hotlist/groups/energy/search/?tag=hotWhat’s HotHotListHot!?tag=hot0/groups/energy/sidebar/HotListNo items tagged with hot.hot/groups/energy/search/index.rss?sort=modifiedDate&kind=all&sortDirection=reverse&excludePages=wiki/welcomelist/groups/energy/search/?sort=modifiedDate&kind=all&sortDirection=reverse&excludePages=wiki/welcomeRecent ChangesRecentChangesListUpdates?sort=modifiedDate&kind=all&sortDirection=reverse&excludePages=wiki/welcome0/groups/energy/sidebar/RecentChangesListmodifiedDateallRecent ChangesRecentChangesListUpdateswiki/welcomeNo recent changes.reverse5search
    $300/km lead acid old battery 50% last about 3 years
    $1000/km lithium current battery 95% last about 20 years r

    1/2H2 + O2 -> H2O + heat or + elec

    I've also work on my solar oven and we are done we with it.

    You can see in this picture me and Dr.Bill are looking the focus where the sun will burn your skin or paper
    Next thing up is to find how to hold a rock and make it burn.