
    Energy Homework 9.11.12


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    Energy questions

    Email me your answers

    What is the average amount of hours per day a PV panel could produce sunlight here in Waimea?

    What is the efficiency of a PV panel from photon to electron?

    What is the efficiency of a solar thermal panel from photon to hot water?

    If you have a 1 square meter PV panel that has 15% efficiency, and the solar radiation is 1000W/m2, how many watts of electrical power would you expect from this panel?

    How much would you expect to get from a solar thermal panel of the same area, same day?

    If you measured the power from a 220W panel that puts out 48V, how many amps of current would this be?

    How many watts would a coffee maker use if it hat a resistance of 9.6 Ω and ran at 120V?

    If a solar thermal panel has a cost of $2000, lasts 30 years, and produces 10 kWh of thermal energy each day, calculate the ROI and TCO, assuming HELCO charges $0.50 per day.