
    Lab: renewable energy ROI and TCO


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    Frida Berglund

    Renewable resources such as wind and solar energy are constantly replenished and will never run out. Wind. Biomass. Geothermal. They are important to use because of the:

    • Environmental benefits
    • Energy for our children's children's children
    • Jobs and economy
    • Energy security


    The purpose of today's lab is to find out how much energy (and money) we make from having the solar trees on campus and what we can do to improve these numbers.

    L A B

    • Your mission today is to determine efficiency of the solar trees at the commons. Bring your own laptop to the commons to complete this study. If the area of each panel 65.5 cm x 41 cm, what is the area of each panel in square meters.
    • Next go to elab4 under ''monitor'' for ''elab met solar radiation''. Find the solar radiation in W/m2 now.
    • Go to elab5 (http://elab5.hpa.edu/cgi-bin/EMCcgi) and find the value for the value for the power delivered now by the solar trees. It should be called something like ''union PV''.
    • What is the total area of all the panels (you have to count them).
    • What is the ideal power of all these panels? (solar radiation in W/m2 times total area of all the panels).
    • What is the real power of all the panels?
    • What is the efficiency in %? (divide real power by ideal power)
    • If you were an emperor/empress of HPA, what would you do to improve this number?
    • Finally go to windytv.com and find the wind speed where we are today. (https://www.windytv.com/?19.994,-155.522,6)

    Solar Panels