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Hotel X analysis #2

[Client one] Client one Analysis; September 13-14: A1 (red)-Wire disappears around 5pm on Sep. 13th. Seems to connect to B1. A1 drops w...

Hotel X analysis #3

[Picture 1.png]Client one; Sep. 20-22: A1 (red) - Not shown on graph. Not shown after Sep. 13th. A5 (green)- Almost plateaued (with a few m...

First Quarter Overview

This quarter, I have been working on a project Dr. Bill and I have named “Hotel X.” The purpose of this project is to monitor and analyze the...


Week of October 5th-11th MLBH Resort G Daily Average of October 5th 18.042400 kWh ...


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Because my knowledge of fingerprinting was based off the office supplies and the hotel, it was very limited to things like computers, printers, chill...

Averages 2012

Although I have continued to keep weekly averages, I decided it was important to post a weekly average every couple months to contrast it to the aver...

Energy Project

In the spring semester of 2011, I stared Dr. Bill Wiecking’s Green Tech class, and as a result, I became very interested in the Energy Lab’...

Hotel X analysis


Golf Carts

[image]As previously discussed, we are now expanding the energy auditing project to the golf center at the hotel. Although there are many possible pr...

IT Building

Although my project started with the IT Building last year, we never really made any major steps forward. However, today, Dr. Bill let me in on anoth...

Annas Dorm Project

[photo.JPG] [Screen Shot 2012-05-14 at 10.23.54 AM.png]


Throughout my junior year I did an independent research project working as an Energy Consultant for “Hotel X.” The purpose of this project ...

2012-2013 Projects

Throughout my junior year I did an independent research project working as an Energy Consultant for “Hotel X.” The purpose of thi...

Monday 9/1 Parker Ranch

On Monday, September first, we went up to the water tanks at Parker Ranch to establish a wireless connection between the Energy Lab and the w...

Ham Radio Notes

[Screen Shot 2012-10-09 at 9.28.26 AM.png]•When using a transceiver that displays the carrier frequency of phone signals, a displayed frequency of 3...

Project Overview

Project: Hotel X Energy Audit Purpose: The purpose of this project is to monitor and analyze the energy expended at a major hotel on the coast, using...


[31823.jpg.png] [image] The ancestral state of the TAS2R38 gene is C145, C785, G886—so the nontasting alleles arose after the human lineage split f...