# Codes for "Make Sensors" - http://BotBook.com ## arduino/ ## human-touch/human-touch.ino - detect human touch with Keyes capacitive touch sensor photoresistor/photoresistor.ino - blink faster in dark, slower in the light infrared_proximity/infrared_proximity.ino - light LED when object near, using Dagu IR switch pot/pot.ino - control LED blinking speed with potentiometer temperature_lm35/temperature_lm35.ino - LM35 temperature in Celcius to serial squeeze_serial/squeeze_serial.ino - flexiforce squeeze level to serial button/button.ino - light a led by pressing button distance_ping/distance_ping.ino - distance using ultrasonic ping sensor hc-sr04/hc-sr04.ino - distance using ultrasonic ping sensor blinkHello/blinkHello.ino - test development environment by blinking an LED serial/serial.ino - send text from Arduino to computer serial monitor ## raspberrypi/ ## human-touch/human-touch.py - detect human touch with Keyes capacitive touch sensor pot_once/pot_once.py - measure resistance of a potentiometer, once adjustable-infrared-sensor-switch/adjustable-infrared-sensor-switch.py - is object within predefined distance? botbook_mcp3002/botbook_mcp3002.py - read analog values from mcp3002 led_hello/led_hello.py - blink external LED to test GPIO pins botbook_gpio/botbook_gpio.py - gpio library. hc-sr04/hc-sr04.py - measure distance with ultrasound lm35/lm35.py - print temperature in Celcius pot_repeat/pot_repeat.py - continuously measure resistance of a potentiometer