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I was not in class due to a student council responsibility.


Today we made our usual trip down to the lower school to check the netatmos. For some reason they're having a hard time staying connected to the wifi...


Today I just exchanged emails with Judi checking in about the February PGC365. It's shifted more from a competition into like an educational platform...


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23.3 Week Summary

This week was a pretty basic work week. Wednesday was fun because we headed down to the lower school and other two days was just chugging along and m...


Today I worked from the library on pretty basic but necessary jobs. I worked mostly on just answering my emails from TTG. I'm still keeping my eyes o...


Today we headed down to the lower school with the new censors to figure out how to calibrate their pairings. These censors will measure the inside an...


Today I just worked with Jenna, head of social media for TTG, to organize the body media sources on our FB page and schedule release dates. I also ta...


Today I was not at the lab due to sickness.

22.2 Week Summary

This week was a relatively non productive week considering I was sick and unable to work for the second half. I did manage to make it down to the low...


Today we went to the middle school to instal new environmental audit tools. This was also a way to show Jordan the environment the research is taking...

21.2 Week Summary

This week was just getting the ball rolling on the February PGC. It started with a very long conference call to create a game plan for the next month...


Today I worked on gaining media sources for the February PGC. I'm still working on it with around twenty sources currently. Next month's theme is bod...


I've been in LA for the past five days so I'm slightly out of it. But today I mostly talked to Jordan about independent research opportunities at the...

20.2 Week Summary

This week I finished up a blog piece for the TTG blog as well as had a pretty intensive conference call with Judi and Megan. The call worked on outre...


Today I am writing up an article to get posted on TTG's blog. Since this month of PGC365 revolves around the theme zero waste, I'll be writing an art...


Today we took a trip to the lower school to see the work being done to lower the sick building syndrome. This included exchanging the windows, gettin...

19.2 Week Summary

This week was focused mostly on outreach. Now that we have PGC365 up and running it's time to get the word out through different outlet. I also locke...


Today I talked to Judi about how we could advance our PR for PGC365. It launched yesterday which is awesome! We'll probably end up sending out a lett...


Today I wrote up a letter to different zero-waste companies asking if they would support Teens Turning Green through prize donations. I created a dat...