

    Today I met Chelsea to talk shortly about the energy measurements we're making across the school. She hopes to start energy awareness programs across schools in the state so it was great to show her what we're doing. I also looked at Global Footprint Network (GFN)'s website, specifically at their excel spread sheet that measured humanity's ecological footprint and biocapacity through time between 1961-2007. I then measured the growth or decrease in different areas such as global population, cropland footprint, grazing land footprint, forest footprint, fishing ground footprint, and carbon footprint.
    As expected total ecological footprint, global population and carbon footprint has risen since 1961.
    Cropland, grazing land and forest footprint decreased most likely due to a move in urbanization in developing countries.
    It's hard to predict trends based of this information for certain events since it measures all of humanity rather than specific countries and trends rarely occur worldwide. I hope to find a graph similar to this focused on specific countries next class to see which countries are contradicting the humanitarian norm.
