5.2 Week Summary

As of today (9/5) I have finished my Why? Or Why Not? project to the United Nations. I began by brainstorming with Dr. Bill numerous topics and ideas that interested me personally. We settled on The Declaration of Human Rights and food and water security. From here I wrote a script as show below:

"Hi I’m Jessie from Hawaii, part of the United States of America. Living in Hawaii I feel the first hand consequences of being extremely isolated from other parts of the world.

Despite being a part of a developed country we’re still extremely dependent on the boats that arrive from around the world to bring food and energy that allow us to pump our water. If these supplies were interrupted we would currently have 10 days of water and only 5 days of food to supply our needs.

My question for the world leaders is why not edit the Declaration of Human Rights to include food, water and most importantly energy security for every citizen? Why is the investment of renewable energy sources focused mainly towards developed countries?

Renewable energy sources will enable developing countries by giving them the capability of achieving food and water security as a result. Thus promising growth in humanitarian, economic, and of course environmental sectors. Thank you!"

Today I met with Mr. Bernstein and filmed the video. It has now been officially turned in and I am waiting for review and posting on their site. The link to the video is attached.

