


    Materials: Work directly on several 8.5" x 11" sheets of paper.

    Instructions: The overall goal is to create 3 drawings but many drawings may be drafted in the process.. First, create an observational line drawing (no tones or gray values) of an actual hand held object of your choice. The size of this object should not exceed that of a standard shoebox. . You may use any line drawing medium such as a graphite pencil, ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen, etc. Second, translate your line drawing into two additional drawings. One drawing using tones and gray values. This drawing may be created with pencil, graphite, or paint. However it must be grayscale. The second translated drawing should be a composite image using at shapes cut out of black construction paper and assembled with adhesive/glue.


    Materials: Digital camera.

    Using a digital camera, capture a photographic story of 3-10 images that tells a story about an object, environment, or an experience that happens over a period of time. Keep your object and drawing in mind as you choose your photographic narrative.



    Materials: Work directly on 8.5" x 11" sheets of paper.

    Instructions: Diagram a simple everyday task (like brushing your teeth) using no words or text. Your audience is children age 5. Consider the sequential steps, context, and objects involved while doing this task. Create this diagram by hand with pens, pencils, and/or markers.


    Materials: You pick! Please document accordingly.

    Celebrate Design’s ability to create positive, meaningful change throughout the world. Design and build a functional “gift” piece that captures, engages, ignites, celebrates, re ects, the human spirit. Describe in a short paragraph what the gift is, who the recipient is, and the intended impact/effect.
