
    Weekend Summary #1

    This was the first full week of classes and thus the first week on my independent. I began by writing my proposal and talking with all the other people in my period to hear about their project and each of their individual strengths. I realized how big of a database of information I had in my peers and how much we could all accomplish together. As for my own individual project now that I have the proposal written I have began to sequence out my plan of events for the coming few months. I need to find volunteers and have them begin to be scanned and photographed. I also need to begin working on learning 3D modeling software and also improving my ability to use photoshop. I then need to transition my computer work into tangible models that can then be perhaps be printed or drafted (i.e nasal cavity impacts, other facial implants, and also begin working on how to improve skin grafting techniques. Overall this first week inspired me beyond belief and I cant wait to begin working on improving my own project and creating something awesome.
