
    Frequencies: Friday and Thursday

    In order to compare brain waves' frequencies on friday and thursday, I have decided to solve math problems that are not necessarily extremely hard and involve knowledge of equations because I figured that if problem is too hard to handle and involves a prior knowledge in the subject, the brain might not be as active because the person might get stuck and not know the answer at all. Similarly, problems that are too easy will not produce enough brain activity form to compare the frequencies. Correspondingly, I decided to

    Math Thursday
    Math Friday

    Analysis: The frequencies of brain waves on Thursday are relatively higher than those on Friday even though a few there are a few exceptions. Compared to the recordings of reading, the O1 and 02 sensors record different frequencies for math solving. Perhaps, that is due to the predicted equal use of eyes during reading compared to math solving where my eyes were closed.
    Math Problems used in the recording:
