
    Cottages energy consumption (E004)

    This time we are analyzing energy data and understand if there's a correlation between number of child in a cottage and energy usage per person.

    The following data displays the energy consumption and additional information of the teachers' cottages that we are monitoring during our class.
    Cottage kW/h $ Adults Kids Total
    1 47 25 2 1 3
    3 2 2 4
    4 298 155 2 2 4
    5 300 150 2 1 3
    6 369 191 2 4 6
    7 262 136 2 2 4
    8 297 154 2 1 3+
    Now we calculate the quantity of energy used by person measured in kW/h and the amount of $ per day spent per person for energy.
    Cottage kW/ per person $/day per person
    1 15 .27 $
    4 75 1,30 $
    5 100 1,66 $
    6 62 1 $
    7 66 1,10 $
    8 100 1,33 $
    We can't notice a correlation between number of children and kW/h per person used, in fact cottage has 1 child and has an avg. of 100 kW/h/person while cottage 6 has 4 child and an avg. of 62 kW/h/person.
