
    Arduino Team


    Today, we formed the Arduino team. A new group of young and passionate talents that will work with the Arduino boards.
    - Our Team -

    Today we have unpacked the first boards (yeah! it felt like Christmas!) and tried to upload our first codes, while trying to get familiar with the Arduino Software. The software is a simple GUI with a basic commanding language layout that is meant to be used to write codes for electronic controls and impulses.

    - The GUI -

    While I had some problems with my command port, Bo used a couple of electrical wire and a resistor to light up a beam that would go on and off. Hannah also assembled and uploaded the code for keeping a green light on.
    - Bo's setup and his magic light -

    - My setup -

    We have achieved our first results and we are eager to learn more. Our team is excited to work with this open source device that can offer so many possibilities. More updates soon, stay tuned!
