
    Energy Lab class: "Kill-a-Watt" (E002)

    In our latest energy class we experienced our first experiment: the determination of the quantity of electrical current used by different devices.

    For this experiment we have used the following equipment:
    -"Kill-a-watt" electrical current analyser of Watts,Volts,Amperes and Hrtzs employed by any electronic device, works like an outlet but it has a built-in display that report its recordings.
    -as always, pen and paper

    Our goal was to analyse the quantity of electrical current employed by different devices
    During the experiment I've analysed three different types of lightbulbs that generate the same amount of light:
    voltage 120 V (120V is the common voltage in the US) ; amperes 0,50 A; energy consumption 60W
    voltage 120 V; amperes 0,31 A; energy consumption 19W
    voltage 120 V; amperes 0,05 A: energy consumption 4,5W

    Notice: in order to determinate the number of Watts employed we can use the formula V x A = W/h, however the "kill-a-watt" device could already determinate that.

    The "kill-a-watt" device can help people and families to save energy and money, by simply analysing those datas we could determinate which devices employed less energy, for example the LED lightbulb, which can uses 90% of the input energy compared to the 60% efficiency of common lightbulbs.
    With this few informations and the essential right gear you can easily save energy,money and planet earth.
