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Well thank goodness gracious! Dr. Bill figured it out. The directions were in an emial sent to him that he did not forward to me. There was a link th...


I am meeting with Dr. Bill on Wednesday, we are going to go over some project ideas. Besides that I have been up to the same thing, more tests!


Yesterday I met with Dr. Bill. We talked over some project ideas including testing his Apes class. 1) The first project idea was to figure out what ...


I played around with Emotiv Pro! The interface is complete different so it will take some time to get used to. There is so much data I am so happy!


Today I tried to record some of my data and see how I could download it. I could not figure it out. I am going to learn more about the Emotiv Pro appl...


Today was the first day back in the Elab. I spent some time making coffee and started setting up the EEG sensor


Today I still could not figure out how to download it. I also got logged out of the Emotiv website which was not fun.


Today I tested the sensor on some of the Apes C kids. It was cool to show them what I am doing.


This is what one of the interfaces looks like and I am still figuring out how to use it as sometimes it is very inaccurate. [Screen Shot 2021-02-22 a...

1.22.21 (Class time)

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On the Emotiv Installer App, I am struggling to download the Cortex App Pro License. There is no download button that I can find in the Emotiv Instal...


I struggled to find a way to download the Pro License. I cannot figure it out. I looked back at the emial Dr. Bill sent me and I also set up the Corte...


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Still struggling. I do not know how to download the software. I keep trying to find hints on the Emotiv website but there it is nothing it just says ...


Emotiv can be very confusing sometimes. I am logged in now (we figured out the password) but I still cannot figure out how to download the software.


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Today was our first day back! We are online for two weeks so I am going to continue my research with the Emotiv headsets with my family.


I did more Emotiv headset tests today. It is cool to get to see everything work with the headset.


I still cannot figure this out but I am meeting with Dr. Bill on Thursday during A period. We are going to figure it out! Today I charged my sensor (...