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Here is everything I did in Programming class, roughly in the order I did them. Python Programming: During this class, I used Sublime text edit...

Final Log - 12/1/21

This semester and class began with learning Python. With a combination of CodeHS assignments and small weekly projects, I tested my coding abilit...


We had only one class this past week. During it, I coordinated with my team and completed my segment of our puzzle project. I think that I did a prett...


This week, we started on our puzzle project. I am working with Logic Pro to create some kind of task for the end of my team's overall project. I was n...


This week, I did days 14 and 15 of the Master Raspberry Pi manual. I had some issues downloading software, but everything worked out in the end. On Fr...


I spent this week continuing with the Master Raspberry Pi manual. Making it to section 14, I learned how to implement security features, change settin...


During this week, after having gotten a virtual raspberry pi, I went through the Master Raspberry Pi guide, making it to day 11. This covered customi...

start on raspberry pi

This week, I started with Raspberry Pi and Mac stuff. I began with looking at network functions on a Mac laptop, and today got a Virtual Machine with...


I have just finished Arduino module 7. The hardest module was module 4, it had many parts and was generally complex. My plan for next week is to go t...

