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Today I spent a lot of time working on teaching myself how to code. I'm actually really interested in it and am enjoying it so far, despite learning ...


This week was really difficult for me. I'm trying to stay focused and on task, but I have a lot of things going on. It's difficult to stay on top of ...


Today I sent an email to Dylan Millar detailing my usage of the EEG. I hope I offered some valuable insight and hope she has more questions; her ques...


Absent (Counselor's office).


Today I worked on coding and making my summation page. I'm really into coding and hope I can actually do something with it in the future during colle...


This week was really good and really helped me to refocus. I made my summation page for the hallway in the energy lab (on time!) and did a lot of cod...


Today I worked on coding and finished my little summation page for the hallway. I'm really into coding, per usual, so that's good. I had my Stanford ...


Today I did some Python and tried to print my summation page to no avail. I also talked about my project with the boy that was touring. It was cool t...


This week was pretty good, I got to share my project with a few people and was able to review a lot of Python. I want to talk to Alice next week abou...


Today I finally got my page to print! We're supposed to reformat them, though, so they all look uniform and organized. I still need to reformat mine ...


Today I spent some time helping Johnny with his project and reviewing the Python that I've already learned. I tried to set Johnny up with the NeuroSk...


Absent (missed my flight)


Today was my first day of second semester, so I'm working on getting adjusted and mapping out the rest of the year. I emailed a doctor who is an expe...


Today I read more about the Cornell study conducted on students that attended school next to an airport. They compared k-5th graders to other student...


I spent most of this week compiling research journals and articles to enhance my understanding of the brain and the importance of an optimal learning...


No class today


Today was pretty unproductive because it was parents day. I continued reading and searching for science journals with similar context and am working ...


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This week I had a few new ideas for my project and also came to terms wit the fact that it's not going to be perfect and may not offer the results I ...