

    Today I worked with Savannah in the main room to test the western side of the room vs. the eastern side. My results were unfortunately skewed due to a ton of activity in the main room that day. I did, however, get to practice the math games more and familiarize myself even further with the customization of the program. Hopefully Savannah and I can find a time where the main room and the surrounding area are vacant so we can get accurate results. My attention span peaked at 41, and I attribute this to the classical music playing at a loud volume, the loudness of the robotics class, a teacher continuing his individual meetings in the main room, and two other teachers conversing. It is very clear, yet again, that quiet is what makes an environment acoustically sound (pun not intended). It was very difficult to concentrate, and there were multiple occasions where I accidentally pressed the wrong number, resulting in an incorrect answer. I wonder if there is a difference between making a legitimate mathematical error versus accidentally pressing an incorrect key and if there is a way to measure that. Are both errors due to gaps in attention? Hmm
