3 people of crypto

People who are investing

- Down Trends, Uptrends
*Downtrends - the price of crypto is moving down and shown by graph or candle stick graphs
* Uptrends - price is is moving up for a certain amount of time
- Support lines, the resistance line
* Support line - whenever the price hits this line it has the opportunity of going up (simple def)
* Resistance - whenever the price hits this line it has the opportunity of going down (simple def)
* how to find the Support and Resistance lines
- News of market
* Looking at the news to see what is going on with the crypto market

People who are interested but don't want to invest

- The bits of help of inflation
* Countries in Africa use bitcoin to avoid their own countryʻs currencies inflation
* Third world countries can use it to avoid inflation because its a universal currency
- stablecoins in central banks
* Stable coins are crypto coins that is linked to things like US cash, gold, and other things, that are not affected by the market. Basically owning gold but online
- The Future of crypto
* The universal use of crypto and the amount of it that's spreading that some countries banning it for control
- The help of media
* How the media affects the change of crypto, like Elon musk and dogecoin.

People who want to invest

- Basics of crypto, like what it is, how its made...
* lots of info
- Top cryptos
* Bitcoins
* Etheium
* Doge
- The dangers of crypto
* The big change of prices
* hackers online
* High risk
- the benefits
* the opportunity to gain money for crypto,
- Trade (3 ways to trade)
* Day trade
* Swing Trade
* Holding


Blog 2

so I'm still planning on my capstone since my idea is so broad, with stocks and crypto.
do a lot of research to find the right questions to ask.
- have to learn terms of crypto
- can look up some youtube vids

Have to look for someone who is invested in crypto

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