


    4/19/2021 17:02:44 HST Gregorian Calendar
    Like a week ago I saw a video for how to do soft body physics and its just a bunch of balls connected with springs, and I didn't take physics yet but apparently the force springs make is linearly proportional to their length from their default length so I figured I could program it in like 15 minutes. I got an old c program that already had some ball colliding physics and set it up. 2 classes, a ball class and a spring class. the ball class would have a list of springs, and the spring class would have the 2 balls. But then that meant the 2 classes contained each other which would use ∞ memory and the compiler said something weird so I changed it to where instead of the a copy it would just have a pointer to the ball/spring in the spring/ball class. But they had to use each others name an one of them had to be compiled before the other so it had to have the class name defined but none of the structure, then initialize the other class which would have pointers to that class, then intirialise the original class which would have pointers to the other class passed in. It was the first time I had to do this weird class nesting so it took a really long time to figure but there were like a million people on google that had the same problem.

    4/21/2021 15:28:00 HST Gregorian Calendar
    I was about to continue the soft body simulation but then the white hair guy made everyone go outside to look at wills telescope and then instead had to do the solar panel counting thing. I thought of just using black thresholding but when I saw the video there were big shadows and the road is black colored and so was water and it wouldn't actually work as easy as a thought. So instead I thought of using the block matching thing I wrote for the farm bot and just apply it on the drone footage, except it would actually be better since block matching was made for videos not just 2 frames. The block matching would basically be able to tell how far away something is from the drone, so if there is black color on a roof rather than the ground it will see the roof as higher. Idk if it should be another input to an AI or to do the black thresholding plus the depth block matching. I started to download nick's video but it was like 4.8 GB so it would take like an hour on the crappy laptop. I messed around with the old block matching code, I don't really remember, and I tried googling for how to convert .MOV files to images in c++ but ended up talking about one of the founders of reddit and the Sahara dessert.

    This week I messed around with classes in c++ then got distracted trying to do block matching on a drone footage