January 22, 2018 Daily Blog

Today was a good day for making progress on the muon detector. Daniel O'Connor from the Astronomy and Physics Branch at UH Hilo emailed me saying that my request for a scintillator came up in a meeting today, and that he would like more information so that they could make them and send them us for free. For the detector I need a 5*5*1 cm^3 plastic scintillator, and I said that eventually it would be great to make more detectors, but for now all I need is one. I am so happy that he got into contact with us as scintillators are hard to find and are expensive. Also, I order the Silicon Photomultiplier I needed today. Here is the order conformation:

Finally, for the muon detector, I found the code for the arduino nano. This code is made for a design slightly different then the one I am using, but it should work well, and I will take a better look at it tomorrow. Here it is:
Desktop Muon Counter Arduino Code
Spencer N. Axani
1. Adafruit GFX Library -- by Adafruit Version 1.0.2
2. Adafruit SSD1306 -- by Adafruit Version 1.0.0
3. Wire -- by Arduino Version 1.0.0
4. OzOLED -- Version unknown, can be found on github. Or in the supplementary material.
5. SPI -- by Arduino Version 1.0.0
6. TimerOne -- by Jesse Tane et al. Version 1.1.0
Simply un-zip the libraries.zip file and place the files into the Arduino/libraries folder on your machin
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <OzOLED.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <TimerOne.h>
const int OLED = 1; // Turn on/off the OLED [1,0] (Set to 0 to improve deadtime)
const int LED = 1; // Turn on/off the LED delay [1,0] (Set to 0 to improve deadtime)
#define TIMER_INTERVAL 1000000 // Every 1,000,000 us the timer will update the clock on the OLED
#define OLED_RESET 10 // A signal to this pin will reset the OLED screen
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(OLED_RESET);
//Linear regression parameters
float x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6;
float y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6;
float Sx2y,Sylny,Sxy,Sxylny,Sy;
float a, b;
//Timing variables
long measurement_t1 = 0L; // Time stamp
long measurement_t2 = 0L; // Used to calculate deadtime of signal measurement
long OLED_t1 = 0L; // Used to calcualte deadtime of OLED screen update
long OLED_t2 = 0L; // Used to calcualte deadtime of OLED screen update
long OLED_deadtime = 0L; // Tallies the total deadtime of the OLED screen between signal measurements
long measurement_deadtime = 0L;
long total_deadtime = 0L;
const float TIME_INTERVAL = 5.8; // Using a prescaler of 4, the time between analogue samples is 5.8 us.
String hist = "Initiallizing..."; // A histogram representing the relative number of photons seen by the SiPM
const float SIGNAL_THRESHOLD = 80; // Signal threshold, measured from 0-1023. Measureing from 0 to 300mV. 70 corresponds to approximately 20 mV threshold.
const int LED_PIN = 3; // The LED digital pin connections.
long int count = -1L; // A tally of the number of muon counts observed
float SiPM_voltage = 0; // This is the calculated pulse amplitude of the SiPM signal
float signal_voltage = 0; // This is the measured signal amplitude from the pulse detector circuit
const String current_count_str = "Total Count:";
const String runtime_str = "Run Time: ";
const String rate_str = "Rate: ";
const String pm = "+/-";
long int time = 0.;
int seconds = 0.;
int minutes = 0.;
int hours = 0.;
float stdev = 0.;
float average = 0.;
char tmp2[15];
char tmp[15];
String current_count;
String runtime;
String rate;
void setup() {
ADCSRA &= ~(bit (ADPS0) | bit (ADPS1) | bit (ADPS2)); // clear prescaler bits
ADCSRA |= bit (ADPS1); // Set prescaler to 4
display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C); // OLED screen
if (OLED == 1){
pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // Setup the LED pin to output
Timer1.initialize(TIMER_INTERVAL); // Initialise timer 1
Timer1.attachInterrupt(timerIsr); // attach the ISR routine
void loop() {
while (1) {
if (analogRead(A0) > SIGNAL_THRESHOLD) // If true, we have an event!
y2 = analogRead(A0); // Read analogue pin A0 five times.
y3 = analogRead(A0);
y4 = analogRead(A0);
y5 = analogRead(A0);
y6 = analogRead(A0);
total_deadtime += measurement_deadtime + OLED_deadtime; // time_pulse == deadtime of previous measuremnet. time_oled == deadtime associated with updating clock.
measurement_t1 = millis(); // Time stamp of event
noInterrupts(); // Turn of the interupts, so that it doesn't update the OLED screen mid measuremnt
x1 = 0; // This is the time of the first measurement: y1
x2 = x1 + TIME_INTERVAL + 0.5; // It takes 504ns to perform the IF statement
x3 = x2 + TIME_INTERVAL;
x4 = x3 + TIME_INTERVAL;
x5 = x4 + TIME_INTERVAL;
x6 = x5 + TIME_INTERVAL;
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // Turn on the LED
// Calculate the initial pulse amplitude. This is just a exponential regression fit.
Sx2y = x2*x2*y2 + x3*x3*y3 + x4*x4*y4 + x5*x5*y5 + x6*x6*y6;
Sylny = y2*log(y2) + y3*log(y3) + y4*log(y4) + y5*log(y5) + y6*log(y6);
Sxy = x2*y2 + x3*y3 + x4*y4 + x5*y5 + x6*y6;
Sxylny = x2*y2*log(y2) + x3*y3*log(y3) + x4*y4*log(y4) + x5*y5*log(y5) + x6*y6*log(y6);
Sy = y2 + y3 + y4 + y5 + y6;
a = (Sx2y*Sylny - Sxy*Sxylny) / (Sy*Sx2y - Sxy*Sxy);
b = (Sy*Sxylny - Sxy*Sylny) / (Sy*Sx2y - Sxy*Sxy);
y1 = exp(a); // y1 is the calculated amplitude of the triggering pulses at the time of the trigger.
signal_voltage = y1 * 5./1023.; // Convert the measured value, y1 , to a voltage (0-1024 == 0-5V)
count++; // Increment the number of counts
float aa = -0.0000213241; // These numbers come from the calibration of the electronics. See Calibration section in paper.
float bb = 0.0236566939;
float cc = -(0.3378053306 + signal_voltage);
SiPM_voltage = (-bb + sqrt(sq(bb) - 4*aa*cc))/(2*aa);
if (count > 0){
Serial.println((String)count + " " + (String)measurement_t1 + " " + (String)signal_voltage + " " + (String)SiPM_voltage + " " + (String)(measurement_deadtime + OLED_deadtime));
interrupts(); // Allow for interupts, to update OLED
if (LED == 1){
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // Turn off the LED
measurement_t2 = millis();
measurement_deadtime = measurement_t2 - measurement_t1;
OLED_deadtime = 0;
void timerIsr(){
if (OLED == 1){
//UPDATE OLED SCREEN. It takes approximately 33ms to run the getTime function
void getTime(){
OLED_t1 = millis();
if (signal_voltage > 0.0) {hist = "-";};
if (signal_voltage > 0.2) {hist = "--";};
if (signal_voltage > 0.4) {hist = "---";};
if (signal_voltage > 0.6) {hist = "----";};
if (signal_voltage > 0.8) {hist = "-----";};
if (signal_voltage > 1.0) {hist = "------";};
if (signal_voltage > 1.2) {hist = "-------";};
if (signal_voltage > 1.4) {hist = "--------";};
if (signal_voltage > 1.6) {hist = "---------";};
if (signal_voltage > 1.8) {hist = "----------";};
if (signal_voltage > 2.0) {hist = "-----------";};
if (signal_voltage > 2.2) {hist = "------------";};
if (signal_voltage > 2.4) {hist = "-------------";};
if (signal_voltage > 2.6) {hist = "--------------";};
if (signal_voltage > 2.8) {hist = "---------------";};
if (signal_voltage > 3.0) {hist = "----------------";};
if (signal_voltage > 3.2) {hist = "-----------------";};
if (signal_voltage > 3.4) {hist = "------------------";};
if (signal_voltage > 3.6) {hist = "-------------------";};
if (signal_voltage > 3.8) {hist = "--------------------";};
display.setCursor(0, 0);
time = millis() / 1000.;
seconds = time % 60;
minutes = time / 60 % 60;
hours = time / 3600;
stdev = sqrt(count) / (time-total_deadtime/1000.);
average = (float)count / (time-total_deadtime/1000.);
current_count = current_count_str + " " + count ;
runtime = runtime_str + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
dtostrf(average, 1, 3, tmp);
if(stdev <= 0.001){
char a = 0.000;
dtostrf(a, 1, 3, tmp2);
dtostrf(stdev, 1, 3, tmp2);
rate = rate_str + tmp + " " + pm + " " + tmp2;
OLED_t2 = millis();
OLED_deadtime += (OLED_t2-OLED_t1);

Today, I also looked into the telemetry server for HI-SEAS a little bit more. Of course, I can't look at data or make graphs with data from the hab right now, as no one is up there. However, I did look at it with the solar panels at the elab. Here is what the graphs should look like:

Finally, Jackie Payne and I have been working on starting a coding club, and Mr. Ford approved our request today. Tomorrow we will meet with Mr. Halstead and discuss our plans.
