
    Week 7 Summary (9/27/16)-(9/30/16)

    In the beginning of this week I had some blocks because I didn't know how to connect the Insight headset to the IOS app. From my meeting with Tung Dao on Thursday I learned that the bluetooth will not connect if the Insight USB is plugged into a keyboard. I also learned how to do recordings of brainwaves using Emotiv control panel. With Tung I looked at the brain visualizer and raw EEG data programs, but as I thought before, this will be too complicated for my project purpose. This meeting with tung eliminated any blocks for the time being. In the coming week I hope to set up my experiment area in "the den" and send out emails asking for test volunteers.
    Asana tasks for the week:
    • Bring all lights and materials down to den.
    • send out email asking for volunteers.
    • do a few quick trial tests on myself to look at any potential roadblocks so I don't waste time with volunteers.
