
    proposals ebay for compony



    Here's what you'll need to include in your project proposal

    Proposal Rubric: eBay for company
    Abstract: short summary of what you hope to research
    I want do research about how company can working together. I want make a website or app where can be a lot of companies from different part of businesses. where you can search for most company with food or producing or distributing food.
    Title: the title of your proposal
    eBay for companies
    Background: any information we'll need to understand your proposal
    I want make a easy way how to find a companies and put more business tighter it will be app where you can write I want a company for watermelon and show you all companies what producing selling watermelon.
    Purpose: the goal of your project
    my goal is here make money and try a lot of new think where teachers can help and put together companies.
    What will you measure, research or learn?
    I measure here research because maybe is impassable do that or it doesn't working. but the same time I will paying concentration on what the student take from that how was his experience and what he learn from that even if he was successful or no.
    How will you measure it, what will success look like?: what I did and how I learn from that what that give me on life.
    Tools/resources needed: people, stuff, places to work, local resources, collaboration resources:
    What you used/need? people for help making that, and use maybe resources from different website and try making that.
    Why is it credible or needed?
    How are you going to use it/was it used?
    Impact and legacy (HPA, local, global): what legacy will this leave? how will this impact HPA, our community and the world?
    then HPA can find better ground for school or can find better company for a fire alarm or just for some build or workers. student it the futher can find companies for experiment
    Course Timeline:
    Meet with mentor in person and/or email, discuss and develop abstract proposal
    (most of you have done this already)

    Daily/each class (due by 9 PM that night)
    Weblog entry: what you did, what worked, what did not, why, next steps

    Weekly (due 6 PM each Saturday):
    Weekly summary report: what worked, what did not, what you plan next week, what will you need, due at 6 PM every Saturday.

    Quarter summary weblog entry, quarter video (2-3 minute summary of progress)

    Group presentations
    Due dates:
    September: proposal abstract due
    Q1 final: video and Q1 summary due, wiki complete
    Q2 final: video and semester summary due
    S1 final: meet with mentor, meet with review team, present to small group on campus
    Q3 final: video and Q3 summary due
    Q4 final: year summary video due, year summary due online
    Year final: meet with mentor, meet with review team, present to larger formal group