


    Abstract: I hope to research more on the cyber security, something like your information online, and people sell them out because of money. I want to dig in more to find what kind of information that companies sell out, and who do they sell it to?
    Title: Cyber Personal Info
    Background: On the news say, companies will sell people's personal information out to other, and I think it's a very immoral move to do. for example: Facebook uses information people provide — such as their age, gender and interests — to target ads to a specific audience. Although Facebook doesn't directly sell your data to outside parties, it does make money from it
    Purpose: The goal of my project will be to know and understand more who do the companies sell data to, and what species information they give out. In my opinion, I think the success look will be getting most of the reason why companies selling out the information and who they mostly sell it to. Also, how do they sell it to not get find out. Tools: