
    4/25/11-Day Thirty-Two


    Yesterday in Green Tech class Dr. Bill talked to Awe and I about our project. The first thing we talked about the areas we are thinking of putting sensors in, and who the users will be for each area. For example, in the IT building the users will be students who need to finish work, teachers who bring there class for a project, or students who just want to cool off. We went over the users of each of the buildings and talked about how the users will affect what kind of energy conservation we use. For example, the IT building. Students will not be using the IT building on weekends or at night, so why have the AC on 24 hours a day. Our solution to this is putting in a override X300 which is a timer that will set off the AC at appropriate times. Right now, the IT building costs the school about $4,000 a month due to energy use. With this project, it is possible to cut it down to $1,000. Over a year, that is enough to give a boarding student a free ride.
    The next thing we went over is how to tell different graphs apart. For example, this is a graph of the energy used on April 25 and it carries over to the 26th. In a graph from a place like the IT building, it will have lots of little spikes throughout the day from the AC and the computers. But, in a place like the Tennis center, there will be one big spike then stabilize for the most part (there will be spikes within the stable part) and then drop when the power goes off for the night. And for a place like the cafeteria, there will be lots of little spikes during the day because people will be opening the fridge constantly, but at night, when the fridge closes, the graph will drop but not completely because the power is still on. The next, and last thing we talked about were the TED sensors in the cottages. We talked about how Mr. Kamrow's house has solar panels so when you look at it on the IP address, it shows negative numbers for the kW per hour. From this we went into PDA deals with the bank and how solar panels have to tax break.

    • cottages 1-8
    • houses (Clark, Emmons, Waiaka)
    • Headmaster cottage

    • Tennis center
    • IT building
    • Gpack (?)
    • Cafeteria/building office
    • Admin building
    • Dorms (annas first?)
    ••••If we monitor the whole school, we can keep track of the progress for each building and compare it to other parts of campus.

    kWh used this month: 107.8 kWh
    Predicted kWh usage this month: 137.1 kWh
    Average daily kWh usage: 4.1 kWh
    kWh usage per person: 45.7 kWh
    Money spent this month: $32.09
    Average daily spending: $1.23
    Predicted Money spent per person: $10.69
    CO2 emissions this month: 167.0 lbs
    Predicted CO2 emissions this month: 212.5 lbs
    Average daily CO2 emissions: 6.4 lbs
    CO2 emissions per person: 55.6 lbs