
    2/1/11-Day Ten


    LCD text board.

    From left to right we have a precision light sensor, a humidity/temperature sensor, a motion sensor, a temperature sensor and a sound sensor. We also have a differential pressure sensor.

    Today, we started out class by going over some things that needed to be done and some basic information about the golf carts. Then, I did a little more research on the RFID kit and decided on two kits to send you. Then Lucas, Awe and I played around with the phidgets board.

    Golf Carts
    •has 8, 6 volt batteries
    •always check water.
    •Never use matches near them
    •Batteries, Motor (AC or DC?), inverter (changes voltage)
    •Always use goggles because of acid and beware of electrocution
    •Needs: battery clamp/ different charger?
    •disconnect negative terminal first