
11.2 10.31.14

Today I made a quick reminder sheet for myself on the more recent history of Parker Ranch as a reminder/refresher as well as created a tentative list of questions for the Parker Ranch interviews... I want the interview to be a conversation but a guided one. The questions below act less like a script and more of a guideline/direction to follow.
I wanted to break the questions into a three part reflection of the ranch: past, present, and future with a focus on the present. My primary goal is to record living history-- what is happening now (what events led to now and how "now" will affect the future).

Preliminary Questions:
What is your current role at Parker Ranch and how did you get here?

Past Questions:
How did the ranch adapt to the changes in the national market, local economy, and climate cycles.

Present Questions:
How prepared is the ranch to manage its operation in climate change and the trending decrease in rainfall?
How resilient is the ranch to the "boom and bust" market cycles
How can grass-fed beef be sustained/feasible in a drought?

Future Questions:
What challenges do you see/invision for the ranch next?
What changes are happening now to prepare for the future?
What, if any, predictions do you have for the future of Parker Ranch?

Looking at my list of questions now, I feel I may need to add more. My first interview is November 6th which, though wholly legitimate, will act in a way as a guinea pig run and help me assess the holes in my guideline.
