
Outline Draft 2

21rst Century Ranching

I. Evolution (History):
a) ranching to real estate (1890-2000s)
b) rise + fall of local ranching (financial and production volatility)
--local consumption (1900s-1970s) -> cow calf operation (1980s) -> feedlot collapse (2008)
-- climate change + drought (doc: LAG meeting agenda 3/18/15)
--carrying capacity + rainfall +beef
ranching response: downsize
"slow foods" "localvore": fad or sustainable?
--new leadership (2. beef)

II. Present day:
a) CEO vision for future of ranching
-board vision (jimmy) (Cattle FF)
b) business model: hybrid between local/national
-national wilson join venture
-local: paniolo cattle co joint venture
(local is: lower risk, lower return, supports community, and more stable)
(UI cattle slide deck ppt) (grass fed parker pp)
c) current challenges: grass/quality/boom and bust market)
-processor monopoly

III. Future:
pull from interviews
