Independent Science Research Week 4

I successfully set up the E-Lab PC with my Leap Motion file management program and my Google Glass Holographical human machine interfaces, so that future students will have access to all my human machine interfaces..
I started my data monitoring, networking, and automation project.
I conducted background research on sensor networks, and the industry standards for linking sensor nodes to aggregator nodes, and managing data.
I mapped out the blueprints of the sensor network I will build, which will consist of the Raspberry PI, XBee, Sensor nodes, and Python scripts.
I took apart the circuitry of the P4400, and I found that I will have to wire the Xbee to the Op-Amp, not the 240VAC ribbon.
I also was able to export a 3D model from the drone team's point cloud data, which I then incorporated into my augmented reality holographical human machine interface, so that a 3d hologram of the E-lab shows up when looking at the conference room table.
