Mango HTML & Javascript Web Interface (7/2/2015)

Today I worked on finalizing my Map layout and learning how to actually stream the Mango data to the amcharts.
I started by updating my Map to the most current .JPG we had.
This meant that I had to re plot all of my SVGs.
Here is my new base template for the data interface.
Next, I began learning how exactly to link the Mango data to the web interface.
Here are some of the necessary JavaScript libraries.
I start by creating an amchart with a dataprovider id.
I also give it a unique valuefield, so that the Mango API knows how to populate the graph.
Once that is done, I use the Mango functions to actually create the datapointconfigurations, and link it to the dataprovider id and the valuefield.
Next, I have to create a templaterconfig object with the correct point hierarchy, so that Mango knows where to send the data values to the datapointconfiguration. This creates groups from the match configurations, which where constructed from the point hierarchy.

With this new information, I decided to play around with some of the tutorials.
I started by copying this Mango configuration Json object.
I then imported it into Mango.
And I went to the tutorials page at, where I can select the Target Folder and then graph the demo points.
Because these visualizations are based on amcharts code, I can use them to learn how to interface my webpage with Mango.
