MangoES Data Points (7/30/2015)

Now that we were able to successfully integrate the gym_energy sensor with our hover map page, we decided to extend it to the identical cafeteria TED sensor.
We began by creating a new TCPIP data source with the appropriate ip address. .
We then gave it the same read command and regex as the one we used for gym_energy.
However, it did not work, the page returned "not a number".
We then checked on mango ans saw that the point is not returning a value.
This is concerning, as the sensor is without a doubt alive at
In addtion, we can verify our regex by looking directly at the XML at:
We do not know what the issue is, as the sensor is live, but Mango cannot read from it, despite using the exact same query as gym_energy, as they are both the exact same TED pro model.
