Mango HTML & Javascript Web Interface (7/13/2015)

Today I continued working on the interactive telemetry map.
Because creating the SVGs manually was so labor intensive, I tried creating a more simplified method of figuring out the necessary points.
I started by calling a JavaScript function XY_GET when I move my mouse inside the SVG canvas.
I then display the clientX and ClientY values to another div by its ID.
This div is placed on the view div, but at 0,0, so that I could see where the mouse was.
However, I after hours of debugging, I could not get it to display the "true" pixel coordinates. Instead of returning an absolute number of (0-1015),90-793), it returned the pixel coordinates of my display window, meaning that if I zoomed or scrolled at all, the pixel designation of a point in the view canvas would change.
Thus, we decided to continue manually drawing all of the SVGS on top of the campus map.
