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final webvlog

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weekly weblog 5/16/2019

This week was also AP week so very little was done. Since it was the final week we mainly just backed up our stuff so we can keep it for the future. ...

daily weblog 5/16/2019

Today was the last day of ISR so I spent the class backing up my stuff. To do that I just compressed the ChromiumXR project and my example AR website...

daily weblog 5/15/2019

Today was my AP Lang & Comp exam so I didn't go to class

daily weblog 5/14/2019

Today there were AP Calculus finals, which I'm not in but Morgan was so it was just me and a couple other people in class. I also had a Spanish final...

weekly weblog 5/11/2019

This week was AP week so not much progress was made until the last period. During the last period I finally tackled the rendering issues that's made ...

daily weblog 5/10/2019

Today Bernstein came in to give us an interview although half of the class was spent programming as Bernstein set up the lighting and recording equip...

daily weblog 5/8/2019

This class I was working on fixing some bugs with the ChromiumXR browser. AR content wasn't displaying which at first I assumed was a problem with Mo...

daily weblog 5/7/2019

This day was my AP Physics 1 exam day so I didn't go to class

daily weblog 5/6/2019

This week was AP week so I mainly focused on studying during class. On Tuesday was my AP Physics exam so I studied a bit for that but mainly spent th...

weekly weblog 5/4/2019

This week we made some good progress, as we finally got ChromiumXR to be functional enough to develop with. This week we also decided on a name for o...

daily weblog 5/2/2019

I've been working on an AR website that would open when you look at a fake debit card. The site would get triggered by a pattern on the card, and onc...

daily weblog 4/30/2019

During yesterday's ISR sport, Morgan managed to implement the ChromiumXR updated api into xr.js. As of now we can finally start making AR websites. M...

daily weblog 4/29/2019

Since last class we've pretty much got ChromiumXR to be functional enough to browse the web and start making an example site. There were just a few m...

weekly weblog 4/27/2019

This week a lot of progress was made for ChromiumXR. I wasn't able to work on it much last week due to illness but at least this week I got it to a p...

daily weblog 4/26/2019

During this class I took a quick break from ChromiumXR to finish another project I started at home. The project itself was a remote access tool, like...

daily weblog 4/23/2019

Today was the day before the capstone exhibition so I spent this class trying to fix bugs and getting everything working so I can show it off. All th...

daily weblog 4/22/2019

During the ISR sport I made a lot of progress with ChromiumXR so it could be ready for the presentation on Wednesday. I finished the new VR renderer ...

weekly weblog 4/20/2019

This week I worked on a document that'll used during the capstone presentation on the 24th. I wasn't able to make it to any other classes this week a...