

    Today, I ordered a kit called 23andMe, in which analzes DNA samples, in order for us to learn more and explore our DNA. The technicians use the Illumina HumanOmniExpress-24 format chip that consists of a fully custom panel of probes for detecting genetic variations. This allows us to maximise the number of ancestry features as well. In my Ap Biology class, we did some studies of genetics and as we did the PCR lab, I figured out that my phenotype was a + / +, which is very common in asian people. It is interesting to see the results for me, as I am a mixture of two varying races, and it is interesting to see the world map of my ancestors. This kit finds out what percent of my DNA comes from populations around the world, ranging from East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, and even more. My plan is to send out my DNA as soon as I receive the kit, so I can describe on this weblog the amazing results I found out.
