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Final Weblog

And that's a wrap! As this year is at its end I am asked to reflect on what I have accomplished. I think my greatest accomplishment is not getting s...


Today was my presentation day. I went to talk with mrs.Pettys and I believe that it went very well.


Today Dr.Bill and I looked over the yearbook and saw that they did not put in his photo as faculty/ staff but instead put in the maintenance man. I t...


I was absent


Today I was able to start the slide show for my presentation on Monday 5/8/17 These are a few photos that I will be adding onto my presentation [...


The crunch of the red lava rock up on Mauna Loa, crisp air hitting my face and I step put of the car. I’m a little nauseous from the hour-...


Presentation outline: Oklahoma dad- oil, agriculture, livestock "i stepped onto mars" • Starting point-Energy class, grids and PV as ...


Presentation outline: Starting point-Energy class, grids and PV as well as monitors ISR-2nd semester-helped with pr...

4.19/ overview

Today we talked about our presentation and looked at the rubric. In the next week or two there will be emails out to us the time and location. Dr. B...


I was absent due to chronic migraines.


Today I checked on 180 and talked to Dr. Bill about what Earl asked me with his dashboard. Here is what he asked: [Screen Shot 2017-04-17 at 2.01.45...

4.10-4.15 overview

1. Working with the crews dashboards 2. working with Ansley on sustainability within the habitat 3. Working on the public dashboard 4. Wor...


Today I emailed the crew and started to wrap up the loose ends of the dashboards. I will be starting on making the presentation video for the end of ...


Today Kama and I went to the bamboo classroom to take photos of the herb box that was finished as well as the small germinating starters. He and I we...


Today I talked about the mission with Bill and how the whole crew has been using Skype and their own system for wifi which is NOT allowed. They are n...

4.3-6 overview

This week was about getting my Kratky method of hydroponics up and running. With the help of Kama and Dr. Bill i was able to get it all done. From me...


Today Kama and I worked on the Dorm garden to try and cut down the sides and we used the hand saw. not only that but we were able to complete it and ...


Today there was a lot of talk about the presentations for the end of the quarter. I will be working on a video that i will be sending to the guys up a...


Today I accomplished setting up a side for my hydroponics system and Kama helped me. We had to go to the bamboo classroom and back up.

27-30 summary

This week was mainly about getting back into the swing of things. With the new "drama" with the habitat group and the new students taking tours of th...