Daily Weblog 11/18/16

Today, I installed OpenCV on my Raspberry Pi. Installing all of the library components takes an absurdly long time, but works reliably when following this guide: http://www.pyimagesearch.com/2016/04/18/install-guide-raspberry-pi-3-raspbian-jessie-opencv-3/. Next time I am in the Energy Lab, I will test the program I wrote combining the RFID reader and OpenCV.

I also worked on a new minor side project; I wrote a Python script designed to work alongside the Arduino piezo buzzer speaker systems that Mr. Halstead's Computer and Electrical Engineering class designed and built. The script can convert any MIDI file into a format that is accessible to the Arduino, although it is not finalized (I plan to finish it on Monday after sports). The code is available on GitHub at https://github.com/OliverGray/MusicConverter.
