


    Today Chris, Will, and I went to the lower fields. We took the Mavic and filmed the fields and some of the kids getting out of class. Everything went well, and we went through two batteries. We then went up to the Elab and looked at the 3D model of the big room and it was coming along very well. Zoe got Pix4D and it was making a much better model, so I am hoping that we get to make more models using that software. I want to talk to people about doing the lower campus, as well as maybe GPAC and some things outside of school. Most of the day was spent flying the Mavic and playing around with sport mode. In sport mode, the Mavic flies a lot faster than in regular mode, especially with side to side movement and ascending and descending. We got some good shots and I took the SD card home to look at them. Next week, I will work more on the carbon fiber drone frame, drill the hole, and start assembling the extra platform to put more components on it.