
    AP Environmental Science Tellico Dam questions

    1. Which side of the dam is upstream? How can you tell?

    The right side of the dam is upstream. The elevation there is 247 meters, while the elevation of the left side is 226 meters. Water flows downstream.

    2. What large town is about 30 km northeast of the dam?

    Knoxville, Tennessee.

    3. Based on inspection of this area, would you say that pivotal policy cases, such as the Tellico Dam case, always occur in highly visible locations? Or do they sometimes occur in obscure situations?

    Not always. Tellico Dam is located in a rural area, and yet it still became a major case that helped to set future policy.

    4. What was the species whose fate was decided at this dam? What was the Supreme Court's decision regarding the ESA in this case?

    The snail darter lived in the area where the dam was planned to be built; they were declared an endangered species until they were later successfully introduced to the Hiwassee River. The Supreme Court ruled that Tellico Dam could neglect the Endangered Species Act for economic reasons.
