
    AP Environmental Science Amazon Deforestation questions

    1. What direction is the major highway running in this area?

    The highway runs east to west.

    2. Roughly how are apart are the "fishbone" lateral roads branching off the main highway? About how long are these roads?

    They are about three miles apart and ten miles long.

    3. Based on the sizes of the cleared patches off the roads, would you say that large or small landholders have made these clearings?

    Probably small landholders; the patches are about a kilometer wide at most and so not big enough for larger operations.

    4. Based on what you see in these images, and on images on p. 130, explain how deforestation proceeds after a road is cut through the forest.

    After a road is cut, plots adjacent to the road are first occupied. As these become developed and cleared, spurs off the main road (the "fishbone" patterns) are cut perpendicular to the original road. More shorter spurs will then branch off from these.

    5. What is the huge river that runs east-west about 180 km north of the place marker?

    The Amazon.
