

    text wrangler - HTML

    <html> -start </html> -end
    <title> ~~~~~~ </title>
    <body> -start </body> - end
    <p> ~~~~~~~~ </p>
    b = bold
    i = italics
    u = underline
    strong = strong
    <p><b> ~~~~~~ </b></p>
    <a href=/perry/>perry</a>
    <a href="http://physics.hpa.edu">physics</a>

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>

    <meta charset="utf-8" />

    <title>Blue Flax (Linum lewisii)</title> </head>


    <h1>The Ephemeral Blue Flax</h1>

    <img src="blueflax.jpg" width="300" height="175" alt="Blue Flax" />

    <p>I am continually <em>amazed</em> at the beautiful, delicate <a href="http://en.wikipedia. ̈ org/wiki/Linum_lewisii" rel="external" title="Learn more about Blue Flax">Blue Flax</a> ̈ that somehow took hold in my garden. They are awash in color every morning, yet not a single ̈ flower remains by the afternoon. They are the very definition of ephemeral.</p>


    </body> </html>


    <title> jody's web page </title>


    <p> <u> <i> this is a test </i> </u> </p>

    <a href="http://physics.hpa.edu">physics</a>

    <img src="perry/nakedpoodle.jpg">


