
    year-end summary

    Universal Phone Remote


    My project will hopefully be an application that can help you interact with your computer and lots other things you use in your daily life. I will create the app for IOS to be compatible with OS X then later will add Android and Windows.


    The application that I will be creating will be used to improve they way we communicate with are computers and other technology. Almost everyone has a computer and phone, one thing these two pieces of technology do not have is a way to interact with each other to simplify your daily life. My goal is to make a simple application that the user can customize based on what they want out of this application. I can use tech that I already own as samples and if it works can put it on the play store/app store for anyone to use. Another application I could make or add to my Remote would be a app for ordering coffee. This could be used for sameer's project as a fundraiser to attract customers that are traveling to and from the Energy Lab.


    The purpose of this application is for someone to be able to control their computer with there phone in ways that they haven't been able to before. This application can save time by doing tasks that you would need to be in front of your desktop or laptop from anywhere in the world (hopefully).


    For tools and resources for this project I Have a windows computer and a mac computer as well as a android and IOS phone that I can use. Since this is my first time creating an application on my own I may need some help on programming it and testing it. I have downloaded Xcode and am watching tutorials on how to create an application and use bluetooth.


    This application will help people interact with their computer in a fast simple way using their smartphone or tablet. This will help people save time and do tasks that they couldn't have done before.


    My legacy at HPA will hopefully be a project that can help new students get into coding. Hopefully if anyone in the future wants to do anything with coding they can look at my page to get some help. I hopefully will leave behind me a project that can guide and bring new students into coding.

    For my project I didn't have as many people collaborating to help me as I did collaborate on other peoples project to help them. For example I spent one class helping ilan solder and helped hydroponics for a class. I think what I need to do better for next year is get people to collaborate and work with me on my project, as well as continue to help others on theirs.

    I want my project to be something that students in the future can use to get into IOT as well as home automation and arduino. I think Arduino is one of the best places to start coding and home automation and IOT is something that is going to be very apparent in the near future. These all combined would create an environment that students in the future can thrive in.

    Oliver Kettner
    May 1 2017
    Home automation

    Hawai‘i Preparatory Academy
    Independent Study
    Written Proposal

    Working Title: Oliver Kettner
    Department: Independent Science Research
    Term : Year

    My project is a home automation system that can be created with Arduino. It will work with components already in the average household to save time, money and increase security.

    Introduction & Goals
    I am proposing an independent project to follow up on what I have done this year. This year In B period ISR I got to explore the world of home automation, programming, and team based projects. Next year I want to make a home automation hub, sort of like an amazon Alexa that will go with my components I made this year. I want to do this as well as start with some software development. I want to do my hub and software development because It is what i'm passionate about and what I want to do in college and for a job. Is Home Automation from big name companies worth the cost? I believe that home automation is the future and that all homes in 15 years will be automated. Although at this point in time I don't believe it's worth thousands of dollars for a simple door lock that you can control from your phone. That's what I want to change. I want to create Arduino and PI based system that can be recreated and do everything that big brand systems can do. I also want to go into areas that they haven't gone into yet such as working with IOT and hacking appliances to make them automated.

    Implementation & Challenges
    I plan to complete this project by using what I have made this year and what other people around the world have done and bring it all together into one super system. So far in my ISR class I have spent many hours on Arduino forms and Instructables seeing and learning from other peoples project. I have learned about lots of components in Arduino and how to program with Arduino. Some challenges I have faced have been debugging. I have done components of my projects in short amounts of time but debugging them or getting them to work is what takes up a majority of my time. With my project I will do next year I am anticipating having some trouble with using Arduino and PI together in one system.

    Impact and Legacy: What do you expect to learn from this study? How do you expect it to matter to you and beyond (at HPA, locally, globally)?

    I want to create a home automation hub because I believe that smart homes are the future of houses. You spend so much of your life in your home so why not make it smart. Making it smart can allow you to control most aspects of your home to do what you please. I want to learn more coding languages and start learning how to create software because that is what I want to pursue in college and after college for a career.

    Appendix A:
    This was an instructables post that showed a complete home automation system. I want to plan to do this but also have a smart hub to control all of it as well as your phone.

    This was another Instructables post that was a Alexa like system. This one was called noodle and is what I want to base my smart hub on.

    This was a post on an electronics website on web servers. I will need this to connect my smart hub to wifi.

    Appendix B:
    -3D Printer
    -Raspberry PI
    -Arduino uno

    -Led screen
    -Power strip
    -Arduino wires
    -Temperature sensor
    -Humidity sensor
    -5v relay

    -Smart lock
    -Security camera
    -Motion sensor

    5. If you were describing your year in ISR to a stranger, what would you say? What did you learn? What were your greatest challenges and how did you overcome them? What are you most proud of? What would you have done differently?.

    Independent science research at HPA is unlike any other class offered. It is a class that allows students to be free of restrictions and use the tools around them to create. The resources given to students as well as the freedom given to students is what allows some of these amazing projects and people to emerge. My experience In ISR has been a positive one. I got in the class as a sophomore and was one of the more experience students in the class. Other more experienced students helped me along and showed how the class worked and how to be successful in it. In ISR I have learned more about IOT, Arduino, C++, coding and so much more that I just wouldn't have been able to in a standardized classroom. With all of this freedom students are bound to run into many challenges. My biggest one was debugging my code. Debugging code as well as testing out hardware for my project was a challenge and caused me to lose lots of work days on trying to figure out why something isn't working. This also leads to some great pleasures when you finally get your project to work. In my case when I got my Arduino powered temperature sensor web server to work after around 2 weeks of working on it it was the greatest feeling. The one thing I regret about this class and I would encourage other students to do if they could would be to ask questions. So many days I would be stuck on something and instead of asking Bill or other students for help I would just try and find a solution on the web.
