
    Week 7

    Week 7: 9/26 - 9/30

    Describe highlights from the week, including major milestones and events

    This week I spent a lot of productive time redesigning and brainstorming with my fellow classmates on how I can make my robot more efficient while walking. This was a highlight because recently I have been very caught up with all of the stress that accompanies the fall of your Senior Year and it has been difficult to stay motivated in class. My classmates, Lyons and Elijah, helped me point out the flaws and what worked in my last two designs so I know what to do for this next prototype.

    Summarize tasks completed, emphasizing what was achieved

    I completed a draft design on TinkerCad (picture below). I also began looking online at some parts which might be resourceful for my next prototype.

    (Very basic designs)

    Explain challenges encountered and the actions you took to address them

    To be honest, as previously stated, the amount of stress between all of my classes, standardized tests, student council, sports, applying for college and just trying to get some sleep has been debilitating. This has negatively effected my work ethic in all of my classes but significantly in my Independent Science because it is hard to be creative, focused and efficient while in class. This following week marks the end of Quarter 1 which means that these finals grades that I am getting will be the ones I submit to colleges. Once Quarter 1 is over, I will most likely continue to drown until my college applications are submitted. An action that I am taking to address these "roadblocks" is that I am using my time very affectively and my time management skills have significantly increased.

    Asana Tasks

    Find small parts for new design


    Double check new leg design


    How to build a more efficient chassis

