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Today I decided to look at the various markets as last night we had a possibly market altering event as Trump launched 59 Tomahawk Missiles at the Sy...


[Screen Shot 2017-04-07 at 11.10.41 AM.png] Today I decided that I want to expand my project onto a Trump Stock bot similar to those that were creat...


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3-4-17 Weekly

This week I looked at being able to use the 2nd derivative to create the Moving avg of each stock to try and further improve my app. I also was able ...


Today I didn't do much as the Admissions Toruing person (Forgot Name) came in and brought us snacks. We also went over our projects with some incomin...


Today Snapchats IPO went up and I was following that as it seems to be skyrocketing into a very Bullish stock. Also I was looking at other companies ...


Today I worked on exploring various ways to find the Moving Average through a derivative formula in R-Programming so that I can create a working day ...


Today I worked on looking at various scripts peoples used to transfer from R to PHP and onwards to see what ones I might be able to use or at least m...

2-25-17 Weekly

This week overall was relatively productive. I began working on how to connect my R-Programming to a PHP server so that I can push data onto my datab...


Today I worked on figuring out how to connect my R-Program to a PHP server so that I can see if I can push data to the PHP server and then onto the d...


Today I promised to never miss another weblog... By setting a timer. Also I kinda in the middle of listening to other peoples presentations found a w...

2-4-17 Weekly

This week I went into the Xcode and was learning how to connect it to a database and now learned that I have to also connect to a PHP server as a mid...


Today one of Dr. Bill's former students came in to talk about her company she works for and the various projects they have such as the biodegradable ...


Today I was working on continuing learning on how to connect a iOS app to the database. Once I finish with this I think I will also have to learn a b...


Today I begun working on figuring out how to connect a xcode app to a data base so I am using a tutorial on how to connect a Database to a PHP server...

1-28-17 Weekly

This week I have done a variety of things ranging from finishing up my basic Xcode tutorial so that I can jump into it and try and create a basic app...


Today as I continued to go through the xcode tutorials and wrap that up I also signed up for a testing program of the Bloomberg Terminal demo, so tha...


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Today I kinda took a break to look at some potential stocks that I personally feel like are gonna do well in the upcoming months, specifically I look...

1-21-17 Weekly

This week was overall productive as I began looking into Xcode and Swift to start designing and making my iPhone app that will connect to my database...