
    Target #1 Background Research: KIC 5731312


    Using the Simbad database and the NASA Exoplanet Archive, I conducted background research on the target to know characteristics of the binary star system in which the planet is orbiting one of the stars. The first target is KIC 5731312. This star system is an eclipsing binary of Algol type (detached), meaning that the stars are orbiting each other on the same plane of view from Earth, therefore we are able to observe their transits and the oscillating in light intensity curve measurements. These two stars are detached, which means that they evolve as a star separately from each other because they don't have an affect on the other and don't transfer matter. The archive also provides information about the characteristics of the two stars such as temperature, stellar surface gravity, radius, mass, etc.
    RA: 19h53m00.44s DEC: +40d54m12.7s

    Download file "KIC 5731312 Archive.pdf"