Week 27 Summary

This week we mostly focused on preparing for the end of year presentation that would occur next week. Each of us had to do an individual mock presentation and have it videotaped, then we as a whole class would watch and give feedbacks on one another according to the rubric. This practice was very helpful as I learned a lot about presentation skills through opinions from the audience. Here is the link to the Google Doc of my feedback: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pz5LcjS_bpdxvpHOny-msMdnofA0AdoRJ7v-WuTCDJY/edit?ts=5717d2ad.

ISR Presentation Information:
- Project title: EEG Evaluation of Stroop Effect
- Original goals: Study patterns of neural responses under the Stroop effect
- Essential question for the project: What is the relationship between conformity behaviors and Stroop effect? How does conformity vary in different types of learners?
- Ultimate accomplishments: Uncover the neurological origin of conformity in learning behaviors
