8.2 Wednesday 10/8

Today I summarised and analysed everything I have been working on this quarter. In addition I set future plans that I will be addressing in the 2nd quarter. I created a one page summery that will serve as the material for the fist quarter summary!


8.1 Monday 10/6

I'm starting to find a lot of great books around the elab, and I'm starting to understand where to look for these great resorces. I began reading a high level Physiology book which had great information on brainwaves that I had to get some background knowledge for in order to be able to fully make use of it. I was advised to read Dee Unglaub Silverthorn's "Human Physiology - an integrated approach - 6e". I spend time during class and in the evening reading more about the autonomic nervous system (chapter 11).


5.1 Monday, September 15, 2014

Today was my first day I could truly start working on my research.
The first step was to understand the basics about brainwaves. Therefor I began researching the five separate categories of brainwave frequencies that are based on their repetitions per second (Hz). One of the most helpful graphics was the following (unfortunately only four of the five frequencies are visible in this graphic, but it gives a good insight on the basic ideas):
http://fractalenlightenment.com/14794/spirituality/understanding-braiwaves-to-expand-our-consciousnessI discovered that various sources describe the annotations to each frequency a little bit differently. I was looking for as many sources as possible to understand what the common annotations really are. Therefore, I found following information on the brainwave frequencies, that explained further in what cases the different waves occur.
As a result, I tried to apply my new knowledge by using the EEG and the Brainwave Visualizer.
In addition, I started looking at the anatomy of the brain which I will continue next class. I found a web side that seemed very helpful: http://www.mayfieldclinic.com/PE-AnatBrain.htm#.VBd1HF5jHwI


7.2 Wednesday 10/1

Unfortunately today we had technical difficulties. Therefore I could not work on the follow up of 7.1, which I originally wanted to be a 15min time period of Jona playing the same game, but this time with music. The highs and lows of mediation were going to be measured and compared with the music less version of the experiment.
On the other hand, I had a knew great idea for a future project. I attended piano lessons today and was listening to my friend who takes lessons before me. It came to me that measuring not only the effect of listening to music has on you, but the effects that playing music has on your brain could be a great future experiment. It would be wonderful to see positive emotions, higher academic success, social skills or any type of other effect playing music has on you and your brain. I am increasingly thinking about using the more complex brainwave- materials, due to my interest in seeing the location of where different actions have an effect on the brain.
- Measuring people playing music, the immediate effect and the long terms effects on it (possibly measured with a different device than mind wave) is becoming my target for following experiments.


7.1 Monday 9/29

Today Jona was measured again. This time he was playing mine craft for approximately 15 min. Meanwhile the meditation and attention level was being screened.
Attention and Meditation level were both dominatnly relatively high throughout the 15 min. as shown below.
At times both the attention as well as the meditation level were relatively low. These results were seen towards the second half of the screening, due to the decrease in concentration.
At certain points during the game Jona showed maximal levels of attention during the game.
These were dominantly seen towards the beginning of the screening.
Jona did not have any intended outside stimulus with exemption of general noises around the house in this experiment.


6.2 Wednesday 9/24, 6.3 Friday 9/26

On Wednesday I researched brainwaves associated with stress and different stress factors that can be used to stimulate the activities of the brain in order to be able to measure them. In addition, I looked at the work of other researchers in this area as well as well as older projects of HPA students that worked in a similar area. Furthermore, I learned more about presenting my work in the future from other students and Dr. Wicking.
On Thursday I did my first hands on tests. My test- object was my little brother Jona. He is 10 years old and very interested technic as well as video games etc. He is bilingual, speaking German and English, which makes him an interesting test- object.
On Friday I organised my data:

One of the most interesting things I found by recording the data was the rather high attention level when he was reading in english. When reading in german, on the other hand, his attention level was nearly half as high on average.
Another very interesting observation I could make was the influence of music on his attention and meditation level. I tested him on both without playing music, and with music, with the "Float" (meditation) and "Burn" (attention) exercises. Without the music he was not able to burn the box nor able to practice the "float"- exercise properly. With music, on the other hand, we can see high level results.
Next week (7) I will do further studies with him, looking more into the brainwave activities while playing video games, as well as understanding more how his brainwaves are affected by being bilingual. Therefore, I will continue to use mind wave and brainwave visualiser, but do not need any new material.


6.1 Monday (+ Friday 5.2)

I now learned and understood nearly every feature of the Brain Visualizer software.
On friday I focused on articles about past experiments, to get an idea of what is possible in this field. In addition, I tried MindWave mobile and the according software and it's music features for the first time. It was interesting to see the effects of different styles of music. Theta (4-8 Hz) was mostly dominant during the recordings via Brainwave Visualizer while playing music, which is usually associated with relaxation and creative inspiration.
I wanted to find out more about the locations the different brainwaves are usually created and sent from. Unfortunately I had to discover, by reading various articles, that there are not direct answers to this question, more research would be interesting in this area.
Lastly on friday, I wrote out some ideas for further progression with my project.
I continued the list, did some more research and had interesting discussions with peers and their opinions on my project and what I could focus on. Now I am going to find out more about the way I can best measure the stress level with the material that I have and what material I will need to do so. I was thinking about designing a test that I can let people take with different time limits, different fields (language, math, etc.), and at different times of the dates and closely monitor them. Here the additional list of thoughts:

Weekly report: This week (week 5) went well, I believe that I made a lot of progress in understanding the material that I will be working with, which was inspiring and helped me understand how I can progress from here. Next week I do not need any new material.