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Monday 04.17.17

Today was my first day back from my week-and-a-half long college visit trip, and I have big news: I am committing to Dartmouth! At the same time, ...

Week Overview 04.10-04.14

I was off visiting colleges over the course of this week.

Week Overview 04.03-04.07

I learned some cool stuff this week, and I helped some people out, and I traveled across the country. What more could an eager young man ask for? It'...

Friday 04.07.17

Traveled from noon Thursday to afternoon Friday (I think? I don't know, time zones and airplanes mess me up bad.) Five hour flight, five hour flight,...


I had an AP Calculus quiz today, and I have an AP Biology test tomorrow, and I'm leaving for the mainland around noon tomorrow for college visits (Am...

Monday 04.03.17

I learned more about Alzheimer's today, which was a fascinating segue from my normal focus. The studies I read about analyzed the purpose and effects...

Week Overview 03.27-03.31

I spent a good amount of time this week speaking to prospective students and promoting the ISR program. Also, I got into a bunch of colleges, whic...

Friday 03.31.17

Dr. Bill helped me figure out what's wrong with the thermocycler today. We set it up in its half-dismantled state and turned it on to see what might ...

Wednesday 03.29.17

I had an AP Bio test to take after lunch today, so I was a bit distracted, being more focused on metabolism and photosynthesis than biotech (though t...

Monday 03.27.17

Today was a little disorienting, being back from a half-restful, half-busy Spring Break. It was mostly spent getting back into the swing of things, d...

Week Overview 27.02-03.03

This was a slow week, due to excitement and exhaustion from Olympics prep and end-of-quarter work. Dr. Bill, being understanding of the time constrai...

Friday 03.03.17

Today was a veritable FEAST! Mrs. Police brought us doughnuts, coffee, chocolate milk, orange juice, popcorn, oranges, apples, grapes, candy, chips, ...

Wednesday 03.01.17

Today I had several discussions. I spoke to Tyler about our concerns about Talent Show and Olympics, and how we might best approach people to optimiz...

Monday 02.27.17

Dr. Bill allowed us to use this class period to catch up in classes and prepare for the end of the quarter/Olympics. Not much was accomplished, thoug...

Week Overview 02.20-02.24

This week was mostly filled with lessons about showmanship and promotion. I specifically spoke with Felix, and also the two girls from the lower camp...

Friday 02.24.17

At first, I tagged along with the hydroponics guys (we are germinating seeds today), but I was a bit distracted, so I asked Dr. Bill if I could phone...

Wednesday 02.22.17

More visitors today! We gave our spiels and shared our projects, and were generally as amazing as always. Also, Dr. Bill's son-in-law (?) came to s...

Monday 02.20.17

Today we checked in on our projects, going on several different tangents. There were visitors checking out our class, so we turned up the charm and r...

Week Overview 02.14-02.17

This week, it was hard to get things done for a few reasons. First, there were only two class periods this week. Second, much of our class time was d...

Friday 02.17.17

Mr. Donnely came in with some visitors today, and we each ran through our individual projects. It's always funny to me when we do that, because it se...