Koi Wright

Last modified by Administrator on 2024/10/19 08:48

Jan 08 2025

January 8 Weblog

Today I began experimenting with digital audio manipulation in Garage Band. I connected the Akai keyboard to the computer, but I was wondering if you had an account on their website already, so I can register the device. This semester I hope to compile an audio library for my capstone film, and learn more about audio design. 

Dec 06 2024

Semester One Review

     This semester I explored many different interests that I’ve been wanting to try out. I’ve wanted to get into Computer Science so I started the CS50 course through Harvard, and I find it interesting but difficult. Some days I watch parts of the YouTube video lectures, but I find them a bit confusing so I do a lot of the research separately. 
     I’ve researched different tools on Blender which I have tried out on the elab computers, which are pretty slow, but work for experimenting. I’m almost done 3d modeling my Ptarmigan, but I am stuck on trying to make the feet, so I moved on to trying physics simulations and animating. I also have been watching many modeling, sculpting and software tutorials which I think will greatly help my capstone. 
     Some days the lower campus kids come over and we can teach them different aspects of our projects, which I find motivational. I also think that working with children is a good life skill to have, which is why I appreciate the experience. I have been using the VR headsets which are very cool, and make me want to create a VR video game one day. Every class the group discusses interesting topics such as Muons, agriculture and computers, where I learn a lot about my peers and their knowledge. 
     Overall, I think ISR has been a very valuable class in helping me explore my possible college focuses, as well as a fun and engaging experience which I can use to guide my independent projects in college. Next semester I hope to continue the casual learning, and possibly create a physical project using the resources I’ve gotten. 

Dec 05 2024

December 5 Weblog

I practiced working with some soft body physics on blender, and I combined my ice cube model with the jelly cube physics, and made a jelly ice cube. I tried to render the animation but it would have taken 3 hours to produce one second of animation so I stopped.Simulation

Dec 03 2024

December 3 Weblog

Today I watched some of the CS50 lecture but on VR. I found out that there are prescription lenses for VR headsets, but I wonder if there is a way to program different prescriptions into the glasses themselves, because it is hard to see if you need glasses. 

Nov 22 2024

November 22 Weblog

I continued the cs50 python course and ended at 1:26:15. This section went over the calculation of arithmetic math. 

Nov 20 2024

November 20 Weblog

I modeled the feet of the ptarmigan, and Ezra taught me which programs to use in order to print the model. I still need to download the program. 

Nov 18 2024

November18 Weblog

I just watched some of the CS50 Python lecture (1:00:44). I learned how to correct user errors on certain functions such as string functions. 

Nov 14 2024

November 14 Weblog

I tried to fix some problems on my Ptarmigan model but I may need to do more research before printing. 

Nov 12 2024

November 12 Weblog

I set up a GitHub account for the CS50 course and started the first problem set. I worked on my ptarmigan model and added an animation. Ptarmigan video

Nov 08 2024

November 8 Weblog

Today I worked on my ptarmigan 3d model.