End of November and December Log

Last modified by Nick Winterowd on 2024/12/06 20:41

Dec 06 2024

Now that I am working on my project from my room, I keep losing track of time and forget to do weblogs at the end of class. However I have been taking footage of my project throughout the day, so I will post them while explaining each day. I first started to think of what I needed to reduce the noise in the hallway. My idea was to place sound sponge tiles cut the edges of floor pads and put them between where the door and the threshold hits. Kelan helped me get the sound tiles because I needed to get them from the attic of the Elab, but I was scared of heights.

Unfortunately, although I cut the floor pads thin enough that the doors would close when slammed, they still make a massive noise. So, I decided to do the sound tiles around doors and in the hallway. After I put them around my noisy neighbor's door and to my door, the tape I used was already gone, so I brought more spare tape. 

In one of the weeks, we had 3rd graders come to the Elab once again. I worked for the VR headset station, and the kids loved them. I felt bad for the few who couldn't experience it due to the sake of time. It was hard to keep the kids away from the kids with VR on them, and one kid accidentally was punched in the face by going too close. Levi and Koi helped me take control of the kids and keep them away from the VR kids. 

Now that I finished putting sound tiles around my side of the hallway, I'm putting some on the other side, and then I will experiment with the noise difference between the hallway without the tiles and with them to see if the tiles actually work. If they don't, I will take them off and put them back into the Elab, where they were.
