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Farrel Cottage: Ella and AnnMarie

Hot water check 2016: In Farrel's hot water cottage closet we noticed that it is wet and its not supposed to be, and all of the components ar...

LAB: campus energy

Title: Campus energy Background: Using the website you can determine how much energy specific building all around campus are using an...

energy lab tips

Tennis center Lightning Good idea, try to cooperate with Dyllan's lab with different lamps etc... I think this person should add more det...

Energy notes 15

PHEV - Plug-in Hybrid Electric vehicles HEV - Hybrid Electric Vehicles EV - Electric Vehicle to know the miles per gallon 245 miles / 73 kWh = m...


NIMBY= Not in my backyard Solar= 5 hour/day Wind= 24 hour/day 750 kW ''Crop''


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energy notes 14

$300/km lead acid old battery 50% last about 3 years $1000/km lithium current battery 95% last about 20 years r 1/2H2 + O2 -> H2O + heat or + elec ...

In class

Today, we began to create a solar oven using the dish and tinfoil tape. This creates a reflective surface and heats up quickly, getting hot enough to...

Energy challenge Physics

Challenge the physic class Find two or three really hard question about your dashboard.

energy notes 13

Panel .93 Length 1.58 Width 1.47 = area we have a bout 512 panels about 1000w/m2


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old lightbulb: 63 watts, 1 PF, 940 lux LED: 5 watts, .63 PF, 240 lux CFL: 14 watts, .58 PF, 230 lux old lightbulb2 : 80 watts, 1 PF, 500 lux LED2: 12....

dashboard choices

Frida-pool conservation Taryn-carter ST storage Andres-IT complex Annaliese-Art PV Ella-cafeteria-conservation Dylan-tennis lighting Nakoa-PPA array ...


[Download file "IMG_0497.JPG"] [Download file "IMG_0837.JPG"][Download file "IMG_0838.JPG"][Download file "IMG_0839.JPG"][Download file "IMG_0840.JPG...

Energy Primer

Energy primer Energy and power units: kW means kiloWatt, kilo = 1000 Watt named after a person, so capitalized 1000 Watts = 1 kW (no...

Friday after quiz

If you have time: After the quiz: Measure the area of the solar thermal panel downstairs in meters. Using 1000W/m2, calculate the i...

9.7.16 Wednesday plan

ROI (return on investment) TCO (total cost of ownership) PV panel 120 Watts $240 Solar thermal 3 kW $800 Wind 400W $600


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9.2.16 plan

quiz 10 min wx console: solar radiation and wind speed KHIKAMUE2 young (wind) Three t...

8.26.16 notes

First, some fun:,-155.658,9 Here's what we have learned so far: Campus walk around: PV installations...